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Act Global, Think Local at McDonald's

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A truly global holistic solution for McDonald's

At McDonald's, people are at the center of everything you do. By supporting your best asset, your people, you're pushing them to achieve and succeed. Virgin Pulse can help take McDonald's to the next level by offering:

  1. A holistic wellbeing solution culturally adaptable to relevant markets
  2. Integration capabilities to actualise McDonald's vision
  3. An inclusive platform for all, whoever and wherever your employees might be in their wellbeing journey

Support healthier Mcdonald's employees


1ROI* Forrester Economic Impact study


1Daily engagement


1Reduction in absenteeism


Global capabilities

With 1100 global clients and over three million members around the world, we are the only truly global wellbeing offering in the market today. In addition to supporting 22 languages, our professional-grade administrative tools are coupled with over 350 global employees across 8 international offices to help your organisation with communication, enrollment, and engaging McDonald's employees from the very first day. Get what you need to set your global populations up for success!

Vehicles to drive utilization & engagement

Two women walking

Journeys® towards total wellbeing

Virgin Pulse Journeys® are daily, self-guided courses that help employees successfully form and adopt new healthy habits. Each Journeys® breaks a key behaviour or a larger goal into smaller achievable steps, helping people improve their health literacy and form new habits as they go. They cover a variety of topics including mental health, physical wellbeing, financial wellbeing, condition management and more. 

woman on phone

Daily cards for health outcomes

Personalised, easy-to-digest, micro-learning content is refreshed daily, and proven to improve wellbeing literacy by inspiring new patterns of behaviour. Members receive personalised daily content (daily cards) based on their selected interests. The cards take a micro-learning and small steps approach to cue healthy actions in members every day!

Group exercise

Connecting employees through health & wellbeing

It is known that a person’s ability to enjoy healthy sociability and high standards of wellbeing is dependent on solid mental and physical health. Improve collaboration and create a great company culture by leveraging Virgin Pulse wellbeing group challenges. Or even better, encourage employees to challenge their colleagues by creating their own peer-to-peer challenge!


Flexible and configurable communications

Virgin Pulse communications capabilities are designed to deliver the right message to the right people at the right time. Our solutions allow flexibility and configurability with the ability to segment and target populations. This ensures that the experience is relevant and personalised. With that, you can base McDonald's programme design on the unique needs of your population. Throughout the year, your team can easily connect with specific employee segments or reach your entire organisation!

Questions? Reach out to Clare Muggeridge, your employee wellbeing expert.